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There is inflammation of the pancreas resulting from prematurely activated pan creatic digestive enzymes that invoke pancreatic tissue autodigestion.Pronunciation Guide a as in a pe a as in a pple e as in e ven e as in e very i as in i ce i as in i nterest o as in o pen o as in p o t u as in u nit u as in u nder Vocabulary and Terminology TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING absorption a bS O RPsh u n achlorhydria a chl o rH I Dr e a amino acids a M E n o A S i dz amylase A M i l a s anastomosis a n a st o M O s i s anus A n u s appendectomy a p e nD E Kt o m E appendicitis a p e nd i S I t i s appendix a P E Nd i ks bile b i l biliary B I L e a r e bilirubin b i l i ROOb i n bowel B O W e l buccal mucosa B U K a l m u K O s a canine teeth K A n i n t e th cecal S E k a l cecum S E k u m celiac S E l e a k cheilosis k i L O s i s cholecystectomy k o l e s i sT E Kt o m e choledocholithiasis k o l e d o k o l i TH I a s i s choledochojejunostomy k o l e d o k o j i j u N O St o m e choledochotomy k o l e d o K O T o m e DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING cholelithiasis k o l e l i TH I a s i s colon K O l o n colonic k o L O N i k colonoscopy k o l o n O Sk o p e colostomy k o L O St o m e common bile duct K O M o n b i l d u kt defecation d e f e K A sh u n deglutition d e glooT I SH u n dentibuccal d e nt i B U K a l dentin D E Nt i n digestion d i J E STy u n duodenal d u o D E n a l or d u O D e n a l duodenum d u o D E n u m or d u O D e n u m elimination e l i m i N A sh ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 222 | Дата: 2015-07-16 | Комментарии (0)

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Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 293 | Дата: 2015-07-14 | Комментарии (0)

Microscope images of sea urchin embryos obtained with a a conventional microscope showing outoffocus blur and b a modern confocal microscope.et al.Thus results for vertical banded gastroplasty were not included in the main analyses but are in the appendix.The emissivity of the skin in this wavelength range is nearly unity independent of the skin pigmentation. http://cheapgenericcialiss.com - Cialis The pillar remains standing only if blocks are continuously pushed back.Definitive treatment is surgery aortic valve replacement.In some forms of alchemy these practical processes have spiritual parallels that involve cleansing the soul to achieve perfection and unlocking the inner being to access the very core of ones existence.
Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 278 | Дата: 2015-07-13 | Комментарии (0)

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Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 266 | Дата: 2015-07-12 | Комментарии (0)

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Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 273 | Дата: 2015-07-12 | Комментарии (0)

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Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 268 | Дата: 2015-07-11 | Комментарии (0)

She brings those women into her lab and gives them a variety of interventions to see which of those can increase their level of positive emotions.A decreased amount of HT in these structures induced experimentally by the inhibition of serotonin synthesis parachlorophenylalanine destruction of HTcontaining axons dihydroxytryptamine or electrolytic destruction of the dorsal raphe nucleus enhances sexual activity McIntosh and Barfield Kondo et al. http://cialisfreeoffer.com - Buy Cialis The short term goal is to reduce LDL levels.
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Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 275 | Дата: 2015-07-08 | Комментарии (0)

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Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 256 | Дата: 2015-07-08 | Комментарии (0)

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Категория: Годовщина. | Просмотров: 217 | Дата: 2015-07-08 | Комментарии (0)

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